Baby boy


So, I switched OBs at the end of December, my last OB just wasn’t a good fit for me & to far away since we moved. I got my first ultrasound today by the tech at the new office I go to. My pictures are not as good as they were at my old doctors office. She kinda flew through my growth ultrasound. Said he’s in the 35 percentile for length but weighs 5lbs 6oz right now. Wish I had better pictures like I was getting before. Can’t wait for him to be here. & he’s very far down into my pelvis, & laying on his side while holding onto his feet. Plus it’s my fiancé’s anniversary today & he surprised me with flowers tonight when he got home. He also knew I wasn’t feeling to well with the heart racing, not being able to breathe & having a lot of pain. Made my day.