Could my supply be dropping?

Andrea • FTM to a beautiful baby girl 💖 Veterinary Technician 👩‍⚕️🐈🐕

My LO will be 3 months old on the 11th and her feeding habits have changed over the past 2 weeks? We’ve always had latching problems from the beginning (I have very flat nipples) so I have been using a nipple shield since. After she gained her birth weight back I have just fed on demand and pumped just once in the morning. I wasn’t having any issues with her at all, she was producing enough diapers and her weight was at the 50% for her age. She would feed from both breasts for about 40 minutes each side. My breasts would feel full and firm every 2 hours so I knew there was milk being made. Now she barely feeds for 20 minutes each side and is asking for food almost every 2-3 hours again? My breasts no longer feel full at all. While she feeds she will stay on for the letdown and then keep popping off and latching back on repeatedly? Idk what’s going on but I’m afraid that I’m starving my baby? What I’ve been able to pump in the mornings has slowly started to decrease as well 😭 idk what to do...