Please help get answers for my little boy

Kaitlin • Married, mama to 3 ❤️

This is a total long shot, & honesty am not even sure if I can post this. My son Leo had been sick since January 2018. He hasn’t gotten better even after a tracheal repair where they had to break his sternum. We still don’t have a diagnosis & I know ALL SORTS OF PEOPLE are active on here so maybe you guys have an idea.

-reoccurring bronculitus

-reoccurring pneumonia

-lots of drool, like totally excessive

-labored breathing

-high fevers

-turns blue/purple

-lump on right side lower stomach

-obstruction in kidney leading to high bp

-low oxygen stats sometimes in 70’s

-currently diagnosed with bronomalacia and tracheamalacia both minor

-no allergies

-crusty eyes

-sleeps absolutely perfect even when he’s icu bad

-13 admissions to the hospital in 2018

-3 ambulance rides

Wondering if you guys have any ideas on what we should be asked to be tested for? We leave for an out of state hospital in 2 weeks.

Also I’ll add my go fund me if you guys wish to donate