I am loss this is my first time using a ovulation kit?? I am ovulating or not??? On the instructions say that both lines need to be dark blue i am so confuse???



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Posted at
With opk’s, never use FMU (unless instructed in the instructions). Choose two times between 10 AM and 8 PM that you can test at every day at the SAME two times; and use a 4 hour pee hold each time (and do not drink a lot of water during the hold times). Once the test line is as dark as, or darker than, the control line - you have a positive. Once you get a positive, ovulation will occur within 12-36 hours; and the egg - once released - will be viable for 12-24 hours.


Posted at
Thank you...


Posted at
That is negative. Both must look the same


Posted at
It has to be really dark not faint it supposed to be as dark as the second line or darker .