Too Scared... I may be avoiding L&D.


FTM. 39 weeks as of yesterday.

Last Wednesday, I got admitted to L&D for possible mild hypertension. For the first time in my pregnancy, my BP was 143/93. They kept me for hours until my BP was around 130s/low 80s.

They asked me if I wanted to be induced since apparently IF I have hypertension, it’s so mild that they can’t technically diagnose me with it. I have no symptoms at all except swelling. I can’t even feel if I have slightly elevated BP.

I said no, but was told to keep monitoring my BP. I went to clinic 2 more times after that, and my BP was normal.

Of course, as soon as I start monitoring at home, my systolic BP is normal, but my diastolic has remained at 91.

The doctor told me to go in for labor if my systolic reaches 140 again. She never said what to do if my systolic is normal but my diastolic is high.

Instinctively I think I know something is slightly wrong. I emailed my doctor and was told to either: go to clinic tomorrow for monitoring, or go to L&D tonight for immediate monitoring.

But I feel like if I go to L&D, they will for sure induce me simply because my BP seems to be fluctuating for a week.

And that’s what I’m most afraid of. I don’t want to be induced. I just want my baby to choose to come out, and I think that’s what’s scaring me the most.

Any other moms with mild prehypertension? I don’t even for sure have it. But I guess I’m also getting scared off by these long labors from being induced.