Sexual intercourse help lmaooo

I lost my virginity after being with my boyfriend for 3 months. Every time we have sex, I have a fear of something going wrong with the condom where I become pregnant. I know it probably sounds stupid, but in 7 days is my initial ovulation week. I’m the most fertile right now, and I’ve told my boyfriend, but we wanted to have sex this week. Is it too much of a risk to have sexual intercourse around this time, as I am ovulating? I don’t fully trust condoms because I’ve been told by friends that there could be small holes, cum seaping through condom, or something goes wrong where it just busts and he just didn’t have fast reaction time with pulling out. My mom once told me a long time ago, that her and my dad, were having sex with a condom and she ended up getting pregnant anyways. I am very new to all of this, and need clarification on things! Ladies you know lol