Toddler sleep HELP!!!!!!!!

M & C’s Mummy 💙💜

Ok so this is gonna be long please bear with me...

LO is now nearly 20 months old. Has never slept great.

Until 18th Dec 2018 (18 months old) he was still waking every 1-2 hours during the night for breastfeeding.

I’ve managed to knock that on the head.

Now if he wakes at all he gets offered water and only gets milk after 6am.

On that date he started sleeping 9 hours straight! Woohoo! Bliss amazing 9:30pm to 6:30pm -didn’t last long.

He got sick at Christmas with gastroenteritis then a cold and bedtime has been rocky

He will still sleep through once he’s asleep but here lies the problem. ......

11pm- it’s like on the f@&king dot of 11pm he decides to go to sleep! 11pm to 6am I cant take this much longer I need him to go to sleep earlier!

I’ve tried everything! He is a energetic child anyway and he is literally running around bedroom till 11pm then wants a cuddle and will fall asleep.

I’m pregnant with #2 and need to sort a new routine out asap.

So daytime naps - I think this is what is causing the issue.

He still 100 % needs one, he cannot cope without one however he fights it.

If I give in and let him have a breastfeed (I am trying to wean down to about once every 2 days) he will go to sleep easy.

For my Mum or MIL he will literally take his blanket and bottle lay himself on the sofa and fall asleep.

For me and Dad he runs rings round us then does something like yesterday fell asleep at 4pm during a nappy change.

When I get him to nap say between 11-1 he goes to bed much easier any later then that and it’s hell

Everywhere I look for sample routines for his age. Most say 7am to 7pm one nap and lunch about 11:30 ish

It also doesn’t help he is not eating properly anymore, he has like a food aversion since he had gastroenteritis. He only will eat Cheerios, toast, apples, oranges, bananas, cereal bars, crackers, yoghurt, those Ella’s kitchen hidden veggie chicken stars, fish fingers and sweet potato smiley faces. He used to eat loads more! He used to eat healthy now it’s so bad. I’ve reduced his bottles right down (2-3 a day) but had no affect on eating more.

I’m so tired, stressed and feel like I’m failing him as a mother.

Guys please any advice

Or anyone wanna share what their day is honestly like with toddler of similar age.

How do I get him to sleep earlier and eat more?

I can’t take him to paediatrician coz I’m in UK so we only have general doctors