Extremely itchy

So there have been a lot of problems since I’ve been put back on birth control. Besides the massive mood swings and the acne, my vagina has been off too. More discharge than normal, the discharge is has a yellow-ish hue and a bit smelly (sorry tmi but that could be important), and most importantly I have been so beyond itchy down there I could die. I used to think it was a yeast infection but I think I’ve ruled that out because the itchiness is a constantly reoccurring thing. It happens at the most random of times and it goes away on its own. I also don’t believe it’s an STD/STI, since I’ve been with the same partner for 2 years. Honestly it’s almost like it’s dry which then gets raw and itchy. I’m suffering and my next obgyn appointment isn’t until March.

Please help