Waiting 😬

Tori • Wife to my amazing husband 🧔🏻 Mommy to a beautiful two-year-old girl named Charlie 👧🏼 Trying for baby number two 👶🏼

Glow says AF is due Saturday, but my other app says she’s due tomorrow. I input ALL the same information into both apps, but they’re conflicting. My other app says to take a pregnancy test today, but I’m so reluctant because I don’t want to see a BFN! Any other ladies out there in the same boat?! What did you end up doing? My friend said to go ahead and test because if it’s negative, that way I can plan for good ole AF 😑 I’ve been exhausted, hungry, always thirsty, and my back has been killing me. I’m currently 11DPO. I just don’t want another heartbreak.