Glucose Results.?

Jesse • 25 | Oregon | Girl Mom x2🩷 | Baby Boy June 2023💙💙

Hello ladies, so I have some questions about my results. I am currently waiting for the doctor to call & discuss the results but in the meantime I couldn’t help but google and ask you ladies some questions🙄🤷🏻‍♀️

My 1 hour, non fasting glucose test results came back and i thought it seemed a little low.. it was only 72 mg/dL.

After looking online I know that this isn’t gestational diabetes because it would be high instead of low.

However, I did read that this could possibly mean hypoglycemic..

I’m only 21 & this is my first child so I’ve never had any type of glucose test before, so idk if this is a normal number for me. Or if I really am hypoglycemic..

I was just wondering if you ladies have had any experience, and knows what these low numbers might mean.?