Rant rant rant!!


I've come to like my OB less and less over the last few appointments. My latest reasoning is extra testing purely because of my weight- I dont have any issues with my pregnancy and it's been pretty easy to be honest aside from the back pain that started about a month ago.

I'm 36+2 and just saw my on yesterday. They gave me my ob records to keep on me 24/7 and to give them to the hospital when I go into labor.

Going through the papers just now, it is noted several times that my placenta is anterior AND THEY NEVER TOLD ME!! I made several comments about being concerned that my stomach didn't seem to be growing and then comments about my back pain. They've had issue getting images and I've had to get extra... all of this could have been explained by just telling me the placenta is in a different spot.

It's too late to get someone else, but this is the final straw in looking for a different ob next time.