

I had my daughter at 35 weeks due to pre-e. Unfortunately she had to got to the nicu for 17 days during which I pumped for her, and tried to make it to her scheduled feeding times to nurse her which came to about twice a day. When she did latch not only was it painful but she would get super fussy. Now that she has been home for 5 weeks we have tried to get her to latch and sometimes she does fine it still hurts a bit but not too bad, but she still fusses most of the time we try. I have tried when she is super hungry, when she is sleepy or just waking up the later with the most success. We have tried a nipple shield. I feel like I am never going to get us to the point where we are comfortably nursing. I am cutting back on working and don't want to spend the time I am at home with her attached to the pump (if that makes sense). I don't know what else to do.