After six months and irregular cycles ..

Alisha • Mommy to 👧🏽 BSN RN 🏩💊💉 TTC Baby #2

I finally got my BFP. I took a clinical guard on a whim because I had several waves of nausea last night and this morning. Boobs are sore, but they always are before a period. Anyway, I got the faintest line on my clinical guard. Ran out and got the FRER and on a 4 hour hold I got a BFP. We started trying in August. I have always had an irregular period. I started Keto in the beginning of January, got a period 4 days into the diet. I didn’t use any OPKs because I didn’t have any, but I had way more EWCM than normal. This is about 9 DPO.