How do you make time to workout?


Not even how do you make time but how do you have the energy?!?!

I LOVED going to the gym before I had a baby. I was all about health and wellness. But since the baby I cant seem to make it fit into my schedule! And its killing me!

I currently work four 11 hours shifts a week. Its exhausting!!! Between dropping off baby at daycare and traveling to work I am away from my house on average 12-13 hrs per day for those 4 days! Then when I get home I am a milk machine every 4 hours through out the night.

So then you're probably thinking "well dont you then have 3 open days a week to workout?".... you'd think that! But those are my filler days. Doctors appts, errands to run, food shopping, meal prep, cooking, cleaning, laundry, dishes, and then breast feeding every few hours 😫

I just want time to workout!!!