As someone with mental health issues it's really really hard to be in a relationship. I actually left my husband when we were just dating because I couldnt take it but then I found out I was pregnant. My ego was big so I wouldn't go back. But I was really down one day and told him I was pregnant. We got back together and have been together almost 7 years BUT it is so damn difficult for me. I've broken down to him so many times telling him I want to kill myself. Hes caught me trying to hurt myself. We've gotten into arguments because he feels like he should be enough to make me happy but he doesn't understand what my mental illness does to my entire being. I'm constantly thinking he's going to leave me for someone easier and less emotional. It's a constant battle. Mine will never go away and I've learned to accept the help my husband tries to give or the space he gives most of the time. Because I know he can never tell when I want to be held and when I want to be left alone. I say just check up on him from time to time. Ask him if he needs anything. Let him know you are there for him. But do not over do it. If he calls or texts you then that fantastic. Just give him a little time. It's great that he still wants a future with you and I hope he's actually doing it to better himself. I can't better myself. Mine will never go away. So we have to learn to deal with it. It's not easy love. But I'll be praying for you both ❤️