needing change

i’m 19, my bf is almost 20. we’ve been together for 3 years, and live together. we’ve had a lot of bumps in the road; infidelity on his part, deaths in the family, deaths of mutual friends, chronic illness, lots of trying situations.

i feel bad for feeling the way i do.. but these past 6 months or so i feel like he hasn’t been putting in any effort anymore. he doesn’t kiss me or tell me he loves me unless i say it first or exclusively ask him to. he doesn’t initiate sex. EVER. he doesn’t ask me how my day was or think to invite me out in group situations unless i make it apparent that i was offended that i wasn’t invited. i’m just over feeling like i’m put on the back burner. i want that new feeling again. whether it be with him or someone else idk.

another part that’s been bothering me is that he has like 10 bodies other than me and i have 2. one other than him. i feel like if him and i stay together, ill never be able to experience the things i want to. i’ll never live up to my full potential. i love him more than i love myself and don’t want to hurt him. i’d never ever in a million years cheat on him.. but idk if i should end it and figure myself out more or stay with him and continue trying to make this work with me being the only person putting in work. it dead feels like i just have a roommate but we sleep in the same bed. if y’all got any advice lmk.