I need y’all honest opinions 🤔🤔


So guy i need your opinion on this ok. So I’ve been talking to the guy for about 7 months now. i tell him everything i dont keep Nuhthing from him at all, so the problem is that he use to be married well at least that’s what he said he got Divorced last June or July and ways i be him because i the type of person if you say something I’ll believe until you give me a reason not to which he didn’t in till August of last year when he asked me if i think it would be a good idea to let her move back into his house for a while because her apartment was flooded anyway i told him at the end of the day that his baby mother and his ex-wife that’s really up to him i cant make that decision for him. So a few days later he told he that he’s gonna be her stay i was like ok if y’all not together then their shouldn’t be a problem with it. Because she move in we video call each every night and we talk for hours and i even talk to the baby and the moment she moved in everything changed we don’t talk on the phone the way we use to and when she’s around it’s like he don’t want to talk to me i asked him if he ever thought about get back with her and he said no, ok then he said she brought it up once and she told her that’s he don’t want to work it out i dont I believe and I don’t believe at the same time anyways i left it alone and 7 months in now it’s still bothering me and i dont know what to do. Should i ask him about it again or not. What y’all think 🤔?