35 weeks symptoms

natosha • Hey, I’m tosha! I’m now pregnant with my 6th child and still learning new things everyday. I’m taking online courses to be and ultrasound tech, but I’m mostly a stay at home mom. Just here asking questions like everyone else!💜

(Some Tmi in this story) So here lately I've been feeling weird. Im starving to death but everything seems so gross to look at or even try to eat, im getting sick from not eating. I've been horribly constapated, I keep feeling like I have a temperature but I dont, im starting to get more cm but its white and watery, my sleep is awful, I can go to bed at 12 at night and be up at 4 and can't go back to sleep but still feel exhausted, im super grouchy, and my contractions are weird enough to only be bh. 😢 I feel like im having a break down.