She slept...


I been so worried about moving my daughter from her bassinet in my room to her crib in her room. She wakes every 2-3 hours, is a fussy sleeper, drives me nuts but I didnt want to go to her room 12 times a night to get her pacifier or rub her chest...

Last night I put her in her crib at 730, she woke and fussed for a min about an hour later then fell back asleep on her own and didnt make a peep until 630 this morning!!!! Didnt even wake to eat!

Slept 11 hours straight, in her crib.. my mind is blown!

This is probably a fluke and tonight will be a nightmare but I'll take the sleep when I can get it!

Update..last night she slept 8pm-7am with a 4am, who is this sleeping baby?