I’m finally free from a toxic relationship!

I finally left after months of arguing every other day, finally free from constant manipulation. He told me I’m a miserable person, I have mental issues, I have anger problems and I’m an all around shitty person. This coming from me not backing down when he tried to control who I could be friends with, trying to get me to delete friends off my social media, accusing me of constantly cheating (which I never did), checking my location on Snapchat, keeping up with how many people I send snapchats too, watching my activity on IG and FB, he’d tell me I’m the reason he’s controlling, insecure, and jealous. Everything was always MY fault. I was tired of feeling like I’d never be good enough for him. I deserve to be happy! I am not mentally unstable, nor do I have anger problems, HE MADE ME CRAZY! I have never felt happier. I deleted and blocked him on everything so he has no way of contacting me. Time to focus on ME and my daughter (from previous relationship) Ladies don’t let a man make you feel like you’re not good enough, drop that trash!