Next step...?


I am wracking my brain and don't know what to think and do. Need some of your wisdom!

On Nov 30th I had my Mirena removed because we decided to TTC. 3 days later I got some spotting that lasted 4 days. On Dec 31st I got my first normal period since removing Mirena. I was ovulating on 18th Jan (confirmed with opk, cm and Glow). Obviously we did the baby dance during as much as we could during those best days.

Fast forwarding to today, my period is now 5 days late but pregnancy tests are negative... I know that after Mirena it may take a while for the cycle to become regular, but even so, I don't have any PMS symptoms, which always start a week before my "favourite" days... I will try testing again in a couple of days but what if it's still negative and still no period? Should I wait another week? Contact doctor?

I'm in my 30s and suffer from endometriosis so I know it might be difficult for me get pregnant and it might take some time, but at this point I just want to know what is going on with my body! Honestly, either getting my period or positive test would be fine, as long as I am not in a loop of not-knowing...

Anyone had the same?