Sleep Regression?



Anybody having sleep issues? We went from sleeping through the night, to up once, now up multiple times a night. I know it will pass but was curious if anyone else was having a set back.

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Been struggling since our daughter turned 4 months. She’s almost 7 months now. She used to sleep AMAZING. Now she wakes SO much through the night. We have tried sleep training, didn’t work. I cave every time she wakes and I just go in and either breastfeed her or rock her back to sleep. Hoping this passes soon, I miss when she would do an 11hour night.


Posted at
We've been struggling with sleep since my son was 3 months, and we're at an all-time low right now. I think between leaps, regressions, and teething he hasn't been able to find his groove again. It's been a pain for me because I'm back at work, but we're working to help him figure it out (a gentle sleep approach). It's slow going, but using a method Im okay with and that's what's important for us right now.


Posted at
Yep, ever since 3 months. That “4 month sleep regression” started early and she hasn’t gone back ever since. It’s actually gotten worse the past 3 weeks😩🤯 She’s up 4 times every night.


Caitlin • Feb 8, 2019
This is exactly my life!


Posted at
Yeah leap 5 at the end where the storm cloud was, was killer for her sleep. And teething will likely affect sleep too. There is a regression at 6 and at 8 months.


Lisa • Feb 7, 2019
It’s on the wonder weeks app. The app costs 2.99, but it’s sooo worth it!


Lilly • Feb 7, 2019
Where can I find this chart?


Lisa • Feb 6, 2019
There’s a chart with dates and weeks where they go through developmental stuff and the storm cloud is over the days where they are “extra fussy, and sleep poorly”...mine lines up perfectly every single time


Posted at
That's how ours regressed. It just continued to get worse. After 4.5 weeks of it, we decided to sleep train her and it's been better since night 1. Her regression started a week or two before she turned 6 months. I think part of it was also due to leap #5 and teething.