Invisible ☹️

virtuous vee👑

All my life I felt like a duff ( designated ugly fat friend)..I have been fat all my life and i just recently accepted me for me.. I love me so much I wouldn’t even want to loose weight.. but I have this friend .. I feel she is one of the most beautiful people in this world .. she has the kindest heart and I always remind how how much of a nice person she is .. she is literally my soul sister.. but when it comes to our other friends she always feels in the shadows .. she’s constantly hinting how much all our friends love me more than her.. I recently gave up one of my friends because she always felt in the shadows ..I feel our friends love us equally .. could it be because I’m big and I take or the attention away? ..I just don’t think our friends love me more .. any advice please 😞just really bummed out about this ☹️😞