Embarrassing period story

Basically today is my second day of my period. These days are usually my most heavy days. I made it through 1st, 2nd, and 3rd classes/periods without any problems. It was until lunch that I noticed people were staring at me and I didn’t think anything of it ( obviously being the dumb person I am ) when I got into 5th period/ class I felt something wet in my butt and dashed to restroom right away. I locked the restroom stall and pulled down my pants to see my whole under soaked and my blood had bleed through my dark blue jeans! I was basically screwed. I changed my pad and walked back to class with my oversized sweatshirt tied around my waste. Fast forward to the end of 5th period, I realize that I have P. E. I try to run to the locker rooms ASAP to be the first to change. Luckily, one of my friend ( Let’s call her Lina ) Lina gave me a clean pair of under wear and pants to change into and I thought I was saved. Again fast forwarding to the end of the class, I go back into the locker room to change, and all the rest of the girls are there as well. I pull down my pants to see blood dripping down from my legs and underwear completely stained again!I wasn’t that embarrassed cuz we were all girls. When I finished changing I went outside and noticed some of the boys in me P. E class were laughing and finally one called out “ nice pattern on your jeans” and I looked down the new pants were stained ( again ).

I literally felt like dying. Then the two other boys pretended like they were getting pads and tampons from their backpack to mock me. This is just my story and I wanted to share it with you guys. I know this is not that embarrassing but I felt like I needed to get it off my mind.