So jealous of the little ones on this board.


Like his daddy, my kid is skinny and long. Like really long. He’s the same height or taller then many toddlers in his play groups. He’s always been quick to jump sizes, but at least all the clothes looked tiny. I was just cleaning out his closet to make room for a new size again though, and I couldn’t help tearing up. I kept pushing old sizes to the corners I guess - didn’t realize some of his six month sleepers were still in there. They are SO little! I remember thinking how huge they looked compared to newborn sizes and now they look like doll clothes. I remember so clearly how he looked in those outfits - but he is like double the size or more now (or so it feels). It’s wonderful to see how far we’ve come but also a little hard. I’ve loved his infancy and seeing him make more and more of a turn toward toddlerhood - physically and mentally too - is just such a shift. There’s really no point to this post (and I’m sure some of it is pms tearyness induced lol) other then to say to embrace their littleness while it lasts. Whatever size, whatever ability, whatever amazingness, whatever struggle. Enjoy every unique attribute every moment you can. What a sweet but quick ride it is.