Am I being ignorant?

My MIL has been on my case for weeks about getting my almost 2 year old son into a daycare before our second comes along. I’m due in 12 weeks and I just planned to take care of both at home without the help of daycare. Maybe I will retract my statement once the baby is here but as of right now I’m personally not ready for him to go and there’s a huge measles outbreak amongst other things. Children under 5 it can be deadly Ive read. My son has been vaccinated but I truly do not want to risk it by putting him in daycare. We barely leave the house due to this. I don’t want to get sick while pregnant nor do I want sick children. Also I would much prefer him to go to preschool rather than a daycare. Maybe when he’s closer to 4. I see no issue in taking care of the two children I chose to have. She has only had one child (my husband) and he went to daycare while she stayed it was pointless. Maybe it was good for socializing but that’s her choice. Why can’t they just leave me alone? I’m not ready to put him in daycare. Am I being ignorant? Will I need the help of daycare? I truly don’t think I will as a lot of moms have taken care of 2 or 3 babies all alone.

Edit to add that I’ve only recently been limiting our outings due to snow, ice, and the measles outbreak. Flu season as well. We don’t do flu shots as we only go grocery shopping and doctors appts. I’m not paranoid, just limiting exposure if I don’t have to go out is all.