Single mom 13 and 10 year old boys


So my oldest is in the 8th grade. He started going through puberty last year. This year it’s been so hard. He is in a public school which once was a great school. Not now but he’s almost finished. He was accepted today to a charter high school and I’m so happy for him. But he’s so disorganized and I’m worried he will not make it. I may have to place him in a private school or homeschool. He had autism whenever he was younger but I rarely mention it. Mostly now he struggles with social-skills and not really age appropriate. He doesn’t have friends. He’s surrounded by many kids that aren’t greatest examples. I know he’s struggling with trying to fit in and trying to find his way and it must be hard. Lately he’s been disrespecting me and not obeying me. My youngest watches it all and looks at me like what is wrong with him and what are you going to do. I set boundaries, I discipline, I take him to church, I try to communicate, and I love him and continue being patient. It’s so hard. I’m not saying it’s his personal emotional struggles that’s the cause and I’m not blaming the school nor the kids which don’t have parenting at home and are out of control. I only feel like I’m failing and loosing him more and more each day. I’m seeing more anxiety and just don’t know what to do. I’ve tried counseling and so much more. Is this the new world? Times are changing but I need a solution. Anything is appreciated.