Reflecting 💙


My world💙 6 months old. Thinking back to when I downloaded this app in September hopes to finally achieve my dream of being a mother...there were some complications just before I finally got my BFP in Dec. Even early on in my pregnancy I dealt with some about 12 weeks pregnant I bled heavily through my pants and found out I had a fairly big subchorionic hematoma. It lasted about 3 months. I went on medical leave and stayed in bed every day, begging my body to heal. Some days I felt hopeless but I got through it with the support of the people around me.

Fast forward to July. I went in to have my blood pressure checked on a Monday morning and due to it being high, I was induced and had my son the next day (3 weeks early.) We were in the hospital for 5 long days.

Now here we are. Oliver is 6 months old and he is everything I've ever wanted. I couldn't be more grateful or happy. Some days I still have to pinch myself. For so long I imagined this life and it always felt so far out of reach. I am truly blessed.