Feeling So Emotional...


Just venting, this has really been on my mind. So I’m currently 35 weeks. When I was 27 weeks, I had to uproot basically my whole life and move out of my parents’ home in two days because my abusive, senile mother entirely lost her mind and attempted to kill me with a pipe wrench. I didn’t get hurt but if it wasn’t for my wife being there she probably would’ve done some bad damage and likely killed my unborn daughter. My post traumatic stress is dying down a bit but I still haven’t been able to get over how horrible that was. Anyway, I am now in a good living situation with family until my wife and I can afford to get our own place (most of our money was practically thrown away by my mother, who did not allow either of us to work while living there). My father promised that when we get our own place to live, we can go back to the house to get my dog, who i treated as my child. She is the shyest, sweetest pit bull in the world, and had already been through abuse before we got her. It’s been two months and I miss her so so much. I can only hope with all I have that she is okay. And I can only hope my dad keeps his promise to let me get her back. Sorry this is long, I’m just so emotional.