What would you do?

So it’s been a year since my dad passed away and my two other siblings are 35 and 34 and they don’t do anything and stay home all day with her. I am 21 and just moved out with my boyfriend and my mom is kinda going against me. She told my neighbors I moved out with “a group of girls” because we’re not ‘married’ 🙄. And my neighbor said “She moved out at a time like this?!” My mom seems to want me to stay there forever like my siblings and they’re going against me, my siblings. Whenever I go over ( which is everyday ) they’re like oh are you gonna be here for a few minutes only today?! Or slick remarks. Tonight I went to bring my mom medicine and they all attacked me and so I even told my mom she was 18 when she moved out and her dad passed at that time and her answer was she was married. I been with my boyfriend for two years and seems like they’re all going against me bad. I see her everyday and talk to her every single day and I moved like 10 minutes up the road. I even invite her over and she always makes excuses. I love my mom and always been very close to her but seems like she wants me to be a bum like my siblings and do nothing with my life and don’t know what to do. She started crying and saying if she died I wouldn’t care and this and that. Some reason she’s manipulating me and Idk what to do! I really don’t know what to do next. I left because I was getting picked on and drove away back to the apartment because I can’t take the bashing and bashing. advice.... what would you do