Husband Desire

Husband is usually away for the work trip for 2 weeks and he’s been home since almost 3 Friday ago and we only had sex once when he came back that Friday. He’s been on and off about sex for the past 3 years and now he hasn’t touch me almost 3 weeks. We fought last week I was like why don’t you desire me and his answer always the same, he’s just doesn’t have moods and it just part of life and he’s in the age that he doesn’t have so much sex drive (he’s 34) . I’m sad because I feel unwanted but he’s still affectionate to me just not touching me for this long. I’m trying to understand but I think for married couple this is a bit off normal. He doesn’t want to see couple therapy because he said it just life. I love him, but I’m just hurt for not being desire by my own spouse. I always wonder if I’m being crazy or it’s ok for me to feel this is hurt. Idk what to do.