Idk what to do at this point!


So my son is 3 months old on saturday. His dad isnt exactly in his life if u ask me but to his family its yes cause they keep his updated. But anyways imhis gf blocked me on everything when they got together while i was 3 months pregnant with our son! Didnt talk to any of that family tell after he was born but his sister is on all my social media! Ive been told i just got to give him time or what ever but i messaged his sister last night to let her brother know i needed to talk to him. She goes oh u just tell me what it is and ill tell him. So his dad wasnt there for birth but trust me that boy cant deny his son its all him! But anyways i told her no i need to talk to him cause she isnt his parent! Eventually i was just done and told her what i needed to be said! And with one of them the doctor straight up asked me and with his appointment coming up i needed that answer and in our state the law just changed for all baby related stuff and she is like oh doctors didnt say that and this and that but she doesnt even have one kid nor has been pregnant to know! But i guess his dad is about to come into his life or so is said and do i have the right to tell him he needs to make sure i have a way to message him cause our son has alot of breathing and health issues and its like i cant trust his sister to tell him shit! Cause there was a couple times i was able to talk to him and he said oh she never said anything to me. But thhey also get pissed when i say oh his dad aint in his life and this and that which is true he cheated on me and left me for the girl. and when i say my son they get shitty and say oh thats his son too. I feel like she is controlling his life and im about to just say fuck it and have him sign his right over cause im not going to be playing this i cant talk to u about important shit that has to do with our son if i cant get ahold of u! Any opinions and also i want to go over the road with my grandparents this summer and idk if she was the one who said no or if. It was her cause its all over text message and ik people can minipulate what others say!