Please help..


My boyfriend and I don't have sex anymore and it's really hard for me. It wasn't uncommon for us to get intimate up to three times a day and now it's regular for us to have sex maybe once every two or three weeks. Our relationship feels like we've known each other and been together for years but we've only been dating for a little over half a year. We live together, there's a 9 year age gap, we both have full time jobs, and he has an amazing little girl who we have half the week and who's mother has her the other half. This has been a hard year financially and otherwise, we've had a lot of problems to work through in our relationship the last few months, we're both tired and stressed out a lot, so there's a lot of other areas of our lives that require a lot of time and attention, but the sexual deprivation doesn't help. I've talked to him about it and he says he just doesn't need us to have sex to feel close and to feel our relationship fulfilled, which is beautiful, but to watch his drive plummet in the last couple months the way it has and for him to react the way he does when I do attempt to initiate sex kills me. He's 27 and has had his fill of sex I'm 19 and haven't done half the lovemaking I want to, not to mention I don't feel like it's weird to want to be intimate with your partner more than every few weeks. He watches porn and masturbates, he just doesn't want to have sex with me but he claims he doesn't want to have sex with other people either. When I masturbate I think of him, and it's gotten to the point that I cry every single time I masturbate because I just want us to share that again. Am I wrong? What can I do?