Help please ....

Apologies for the long post but really need some advice.

I’m 30 so you would think i know this but my minds a mess and I’m freaking out.

I had a section on the 10th of December and bled for 2 weeks which is normal as they gave me ablation as I have endo stage 4.

Okay so fast forward to the begging of January and I start bleeding badly ended in hospital blah blah blah I was given meds to stop the bleeding as I was becoming extremely ill. The meds works and I took them for 2 weeks and they eventually worked I have come of them the day after bleeding stopped and have had sex since my partner and I have used a condom as as far as we both know it hasn’t split.

Now according to the app I’m 12day late okay yes I know it’s not going to be accurate due to having my babies in December but I’m freaking out I have super tender boobs , keep feeling sick , continuously tired , headaches from hell the list goes on. Before anyone says I should be tired as I have newborn babies it doesn’t count as they’re currently still in hospital.

Any advice would be greatly received. Just calm my mind.