NO PERIOD.....AGAIN ?!?! I need advice 🙄


So a few months ago my cycle was normal and when it went off it just didn’t come back on . I thought i was pregnant but all the tests came back negative , i ended up taking a urine test at the doctors office and doing a Pap smear and i wasn’t pregnant and all my hormone levels were normal . The physician gave me pills to take for 7 days to induce my period . On the 7th day my period came on . Just barely and then it became extremely heavy. A tampon would last me maybe 20 mins if that ! I felt like i couldn’t control my cycle and on top of that i had these big blood clots that i would pass . The physician said because my period had been off for almost 3 months that this period could be longer . And it was , it ended up lasting about 3 weeks so the physician asked if i wanted to be put on BC to regulate it. I said yes but my period ended up going off the day i received the first pack of BC so i didn’t start it.... about 3 weeks passed and my period was late AGAIN and hasn’t been on since !!! It’s currently been like 67 days since I’ve had a period and i have no clue why this is happening and not even my physician can give me an answer . Has anyone else ever been through this ?