Late Period/Negative Tests


Hello! I’m late on my period 3 days, going on 4 days now, I’ve taken two pregnancy tests and both of them are negative. I’m not sure if it’s because maybe my hormones just aren’t there yet? Or what, but about 6 months ago my periods weren’t regular. They started to regulate out about 6 months ago and I started my period every 30 days and I had a period for 3 days. Well, in January this year, I had a light flow my first day and then the following two days was just spotting. I’ve had some pregnancy symptoms (granted I could be wrong). This month I’m late, I’ve taken two first response tests about mid day, because I wake up usually around noon since I work nights, but all of my tests have come out negative. Last month I took some dollar tests from the dollar store and a couple of them had really really faint positive lines and then it would disappear and be negative. Help?