Married woman advice


Hey ladies. I need some advice. Be prepared this is a long one. I have no friends and no one to really turn to when needing guidance so figured this would be a good place to start. I recently have gotten married in October of 2018. We were only together since March but instantly I knew this was the man made for me. He is a very faithful good man who is everything I could ever want. We are also expecting now and due in August. Not to pull the poor me card but I was abandoned by my biological father before I was even born and he came back into my life to get to know me at age 11 but then left again a few months later and never wanted to come in contact again. My mom dated several guys and even got remarried and they divorced. Then dated some more and is now remarried for 14 years. She has other children with him and he has been unfaithful before and snuck around. My moms boyfriends growing up had always been douchers and not the best so let’s just say I didn’t grow up with a good man figure nor do I have a great step dad now. I grew up thinking all men were cheaters and couldn’t remain faithful and if they did they were not good guys or they would get bored and leave. Going back to my marriage I constantly struggle with thinking my husband is either gonna leave me or come across a woman one day that steals his eyes or attention. I’m so scared every single day and frankly I’m always voicing it which I’m sure is super annoying to have a wife who is so insecure and doesn’t trust a man who has done nothing wrong to lead me into thinking he would do that. He has lied to me a couple times about his past relationships with girls that were friends but it was just to not hurt me so it wasn’t a lie with our relationship and that has kinda stuck with me knowing he lied but he knows to not do that and seems to understand how much damage it does. Basically long story short how do you married wives not drive yourselves crazy if your man is at work and worried about who he is around or if he is gonna see a woman and instantly have the hots for her or decide one day he’s gonna leave you. Everyone has been through much worse I know and I’m sure I sound RIDICULOUS and every woman would be ok if there man left but I can’t keep harping on him and being worried. It’s stressing me out which is never good and not good for the baby. I’m never okay, and I’m constantly worried because there’s always better out there and always some one better looking or could make your husband feel better than you do. Or could make him happy or be some hot babe and steal his eyes and attention. I just need help. Any advice?