Someone please help me!!


I can't do this any more... I'm in bits. That's 10 days my 5 month old has had this cold/ don't get me wrong I can deal with the grumpiness and cljngyness but the one thing that is really getting to me is his feeding... he won't take any more than 3oz and that's me pretty much forcing him he gives off all the signs that he's hungry even still wakes up during the night but takes 2 sooks then pushes it away or arches his back puts his head back or whether. I've been to the doctor I've sat there in tears asking him to help me...cause I'm running out of patience I've tried the little and often I've tried to be firm but not forceful I've even tried forcing it but no matter how firm I am or how tight I hold him without hurting him I can't make him sook.. I sat there yesterday screaming that hed be better off with out me etc. I'm his mum and I can't even get him to feed what hope have I got? .. I also hate the fact that it's upsetting me so much that I'm getting ratty with the little guy so much so I had to lock myself in the bathroom just so I can catch my breath. I even asked the doctor to put an NG tube in...cause then I know that he is taking enough milk. Now he's supposed to be drinking 39 ounces in a 24 hour period going by the 2.5oz per ib of body weight rule. He hasn't even taken half of that...but all they keep saying to me is " he'll eat when he's.hungry" I get that but it's now been 10 days how.much longer have I got to go.until someone I can't sleep because of this. Sounds pathetic but I literally can't.