Anatomy Scan Drama


Ok, girls. I need your help to figure out if I’m justified for feeling upset about this. Our 20 week anatomy scan has been scheduled and my husband has known about it. Multiple times, he has asked me if he really has to go to it. I tell him, he doesn’t “have” to do anything, but it would really upset me if he didn’t go, because this is arguably the most important appointment, other than the birth. He agreed to go, but just found out he has work training on the date of the scan, that he cannot get out of! I’m disappointed about that of course, but I know he can’t control or reschedule that. I’m also not able to reschedule the appointment as it’s the only one available that week, and my midwife insists we have to do it that week. What upsets me most is I feel like he doesn’t care that he’s missing it! He has only gone to one appointment at 8 weeks when we scanned for viability. He acts really nonchalant about missing any of it and I personally feel like he acts as though he’s not emotionally connected to this pregnancy. Like I’m alone in all this. I find myself being upset with him daily over something dumb/annoying he said, or being irritated over something he hasn’t said, like “how are you feeling?” “How’s baby today?” “Is there anything I can do for you?” I love my husband dearly, but I’m not sure if it’s the hormones that are making me resent him or what? Thanks for listening to my rant, girls! L