Help a momma out


These are some things that I have learned since becoming a mother and maybe they could help you too

- you DON’T have to be perfect

- Don’t compare yourself to other moms because just like children, no two moms are the same

- Take care of yourself so your best is possible (take that extra long bath, go get your nails done, have lunch with your friends)

- Be flexible. Just because you had an idea of what motherhood was like doesn’t mean you’re failing when it doesn’t work out that way

- Don’t compare what your child is doing at a certain age to others (your baby will pick his/her head up, roll over, talk, walk, etc when they’re ready)

- Don’t be too hard on yourself, if someone asks for help take it

- Trust your instincts, no one knows your baby as well as you do

Parenting is HARD! Don’t ever let anyone tell you it’s easy because they had one “easy” child.

If any other moms would like to share something to help other moms/moms to be please share