My 2 year old & his speech


My son AB is 2yrs 2mo currently and starting at 10mo he has been learning the alphabet and numbers. (I stupidly assumed kids need to learn alphabet and numbers at this age and bought toys to support that). Currently he can identify 15 colors, 10+ unique shapes, the entire alphabet including phonetics of each letter and can identify capital from lower case, he counts to 20 forward and backwards and it isn't by rote he will count the number of items you ask him to and he's never wrong, he says two to three word phrases which is typical for his age. Everywhere we go he labels colors and numbers he sees and people are so impressed but then he speaks gibberish and then it's like....uhhhh. He has echolalia and is having a hard time figuring out his role in a conversation. He used to answer "good morning mama" when I'd tell him good morning. Now he repeats what I say and says good morning to himself. It's frustrating. Does anyone have any experience or know someone with experience with speech delays? He's been evaluated 9x since birth due to risk factors with the most recent being done a week ago. He has no cognitive, fine, gross, receptive or expressive delays but I feel like he isn't progressing! We seem stuck relearning how to respond to yes or no questions and him repeating most of the things we say is not helping. He will say his ABCs, count, identify shapes and colors, sing nursery rhymes, label things and rooms in the house over and over all on his own. Having even a mini back and forth conversation? No way. Can't ask him what he wants for breakfast or what he wants to do for the day. He understands what we say. We have to keep talking as if we're him to get him to have appropriate responses and I want to cry. I feel like I screwed up his development by introducing letters/numbers first. Any advice? We are on a 6 to 9 month waiting list for a speech delay evaluation and I'm terrified he is going to be severely speech delayed by then. Thank you in advance for reading even if you don't comment!

Edit: he is making progress globally but he is currently learning to spell/read, his idea not ours. He spells words he sees and easily commits them to memory when we tell him what he spelled. He hates baby books but will open my novels and spout gibberish as if reading aloud. He just can't make unique sentences with all the words he knows and idk how to help him.