RANT: unnecessary baby stuff

im so annoyed. my LO is 7mo now. He is BUSY. i dont even clean my livingroom anymore bc he just tears it back up within seconds. Anyway, MIL keeps sending toys for him and its really annoying. The stuff she sends is used and let me just say there is absolutely nothing wrong with 2nd hand things BUT my problem is she doesnt even clean it or wash before sending it, so the stuff is dirty and smelly. it is really pissing me off!!! there is no way i would send someone some dirty ass toys or anything for that matter for their new baby. naturally even if it was clean, if its used I would still clean it again just to be sure bc babies put everything in their mouths but its just the principle. we dont need this shit and its extra work for me to have to clean all this shit when i already have enough on my plate. 2nd, as i said my house is a constant wreck now with him mobile and all the things he already has. our house is very small so i get super stressed out when things are a mess and there are bulky toys/items around everywhere like swings, rockers saucers etc. i try to do everything i can to minimize things bc our living space is so small. so thats another reason im annoyed with her sending all this (bulky) shit that we dont need and is just taking up space. when i try to move things not in use to the garage to make more space my husband gets mad. he thinks im being petty and ungrateful but he doesnt get how stressed i get being cramped up, tripping over bulky shit or struggling to move things just to be able to sit on the sofa. we live all the way in hawaii so the cost to ship all of these dirty ass toys, i wish she would just send money so we can get diapers and things we actually need. even in the past when my husband has asked her to just send money instead of XYZ she will say ok but never does it. she just continues to send unnecessary shit. its annoying ....