Cytotec not working for missed miscarriage? UPDATE


Going through 2nd MC in 3 months, this one being a missed miscarriage so they gave me Cytotec. Two doses and still nothing, and my doctor has been of no help. I just want to move on with my life and my body won’t cooperate. Can’t keep a baby alive apparently but doesn’t want to get rid of one either. I guess my question is what happens now...Is it common for these meds not to work? Am I going to be stuck doing a d&c? I can’t sit around and wait for it to happen I’m already a mess.


Still next to nothing happening and my doctor wanted me to go to the ER to get methotrexate to “dissolve” it. I decided to wait it out through the weekend to give my body another chance to do what it’s supposed to. Does anyone have any experience with methotrexate? Everything I’ve seen researching it seems terrible.