My SO makes me feel bad...

So my SO & I are first time parents. Our little girl is 13 months old. I am currently the only one working but he has guaranteed income every month which covers a huge portion of our bills. He’s been out of the job for almost a year now. So, when my our daughter was 8 months old I decided I was going to get a job. So he’s been Mr Mom since then.

Anyway, my SO gets to take naps whenever he wants. He gets to play video games on his computer whenever he wants. He doesn’t help me with the housework at all.

When I ask him to put his computer away he gets really moody & says “well I’ve had the baby all day I need me time” (he plays his game even when he’s at home with our daughter). Same thing happens when I ask him to help me clean up around the house. When I say “I’m gonna go lay down for 30 minutes” he makes a huge deal out of it & makes me feel like a shitty mom. “You get time away from her when you’re at work” is his main argument. Which, yeah, but I’m on my feet for 6+ hours a day. I don’t get to sit on my ass all day & play video games.

On the rare occasion he actually agrees to let me go lay down for a few minutes he waits about 10 minutes then brings our daughter in our bedroom & lets her jump all over me while he’s yelling “Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!”

Please tell me I’m not the only one this happens to. Im just so tired.