What pisses you off?


As a new mom or well seasoned mom, what is something other people do that irritate the shit out of you?

One thing that irritates me to no end is when my baby is crying (because that's what they do) and someone trying to be funny says "what are you doing to that poor baby?" I shoot daggers from my eyes at that person every time!

Also when my son is crying and someone, although well intended, tries to figure out what is making him cry. "Oh you're holding him wrong" "he's hungry!" "he needs a diaper change" Excuse the fuck out of me! I thought I was the one that spends literally 24/7 with him and I know his cries. Oh but you had babies 30 years ago so you know EXACTLY what my son needs. Pffft! 😡

Also to calm you down, here's a picture of my little punkin! Share one of yours too! I love seeing those chubby little faces! ❤

Edit: Another thing is when my baby cries at 3am because he's hungry and I'm the only one that can feed him and my hubby groans and puts a pillow over his head. So sorry he woke you from your beauty sleep! I hope he knows I flipped him the bird when he had that pillow over his head...