Have you ever been sexually assaulted ?


Hey ladies,

I thought I’d do a poll and see how many ladies on here have been sexually assaulted before. You do not need to answer the poll it’s totally up to you if you’re comfortable. I’m just interested to see the numbers. I feel like today in time there are way TOO many woman who have been victims of sexual abuse especially by family members.

Feel free to comment below your experience, if it was someone close to you, how it made you feel, how it has affected your life? If you ever told somebody ( a loved one or a professional eg; therapist, police, organisation)

I myself was a victim of sexual abuse by my stepfather for many years growing up.. I never told my mum because I didn’t want our family to break apart.. they have 4 younger children together and I didn’t want them or my mother to suffer. I know she would of wanted me to tell her and until this day I feel guilty of it. I feel that the abuse has affected me until this day in my relationships with men and how I allow them to treat me.

Vote below to see results!