
Starting to feel depressed again.. last summer me and my boyfriend went through a dark time, his mum passed away and we were all very close and it just got to me and boyfriend we starting drinking a lot and smoking a lot of weed... that’s the only thing that would make me feel a little happier.. I started not turning up to work as I felt like I couldn’t leave the house. I’ve been through depression a number of times when I was 15 I found out I was pregnant with my boyfriend I’m with now and we lost the baby and I couldn’t handle it, I feel like I’m back in that dark place again, a couple of months ago I suggested we start trying to have a family now I’m 22 and he said he didn’t want to because of what happened when we were 15 and now I feel all depressed again it’s not just that sometimes I just feel really sad and moody and I don’t know why but they only thing that makes me feel better is when my friend comes over with her 2 year old and I’m starting to feel like it’s because I want to be a mum but I ain’t going to pressure my boyfriend because I understand but I don’t want to feel like this forever but at the moment that how I feel, just feel like this feeling will never go away.. I’m working 7 days next week and I feel like I can’t do it😔 the thought of leaving the house just makes me feel so anxious😔😔 I’ve been doctors but no help there I just feel like me and my SO just feel like this and it will never change.