Idk what I did but ovary 1 and 2 doesn’t like me clearly

Nichole • Expecting Momma

So I’ve been ovulating every week, multiple days and lately for the last three days it rose early in the day like now and by 8 it’s negative. I use both strips and clearblue digital so I know it’s not the stick.

Any other reason this could be happening?

Back story: I always had bad periods that were irregular but from terrible stress over a relationship and my moms cancer battle I lost my period. I have been on progesterone over the past year and going have my first clomid prescription filled. Hsg, pap, thyroid and all other test are clean. I had an ultrasound to see if I had PCOS a year ago. They said I look good. Also got my period too early this cycle but it came on it’s own so I’m getting these positive also through my period(ugh)