Coincidences got me paranoid

I know I'm just freaking myself out. It's funny! Kinda. I'm not against having another, I just wanted to wait.

These got me buggin:

*The past 6 or so months I've had CRAZY baby fever. Told myself March is when we start TTC. This month, no baby fever and I'm thinking of delaying trying til autumn(Before anyone asks, Hubs will be thrilled no matter when. So...I will be TTC without him really knowing-he simply asks if I'm ovulating during sex & reacts accordingly- Surprise! lol)

*I had a dream last night I was handed newborn twins and told I birthed them. I adamantly denied it and even punched Betty White(lol) for not believing me(woke up punching the bed. Sorry Betty!)

*Got a flyer in the mail today about a public big baby shower for expecting moms in my area. So weird.

*Hubs randomly asked recently if I'm pregnant.

First month I'm not symptom spotting and instead I'm paranoid. Oh, the irony!