How much do you expect your partners to help when they’re not working?


My husband generally doesn’t see the children in the week as he leaves too early/gets back too late but always has the weekends off. He is spending the afternoon tomorrow at the football and did a similar thing last weekend whilst I’m home alone with a baby and toddler doing dinner/bedtime. I said I didn’t mind, and I really don’t think I do mind, but part of me is resentful that he can just go off and have a nice time when I’m always stuck with a baby as I’m ebf. We’re sleeping in different rooms (my idea) so that he always gets a good nights sleep, and so is able to work or be more help at the weekends. I know that’s just part of life and being a mother but I’m just intrigued what others expect of their partners. Maybe I’m just a bit hormonal and irritated....